Monday, February 7, 2011


I guess all I had to do was complain about everything because right after my last blog, i plugged in my camera, and it worked! So now I can finally update my blog. =)
For starters...these are my latest light switch plates. Most of them were done for my own house but there were a few that I did for other people as well:

This is one I did for my mom.

This is in my dining room =)

Our dogs have their own room...sorta. This is one I did for them. Not that they really care or anything.

Another one for the dogs....


So valentines is one week away and my husband's bday is 6 days away. I bought him a gift for his bday but im making him his vday present. I would LOVE to be able to post a pic of it when i'm done but technology hates me right now. I found my camera cord but my USB port is malfunctioning and won't reconize the camera. I've tried using my cell phone but the pictures look horrible and fuzzy. I have so much i want to put on my blog but it looks like it's just not meant to be at this moment. I'll keep messing with stuff and maybe something will come together for me. I hope everyone is having a great week and happy early vday!